Knowledge Center

Outcomes, discoveries, and analysis from our breadth of good governance initiatives.

The Criminal Justice Investment Initiative: Synthesizing a Decade of Innovation
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

The Criminal Justice Investment Initiative: Synthesizing a Decade of Innovation

Reflecting on the past decade of work, this series of briefs take stock of CJII’s goals in key areas, dives into case studies of the real-life impact community organizations achieved, and provides a blueprint for practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders to shape the future of public safety partnerships. 

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Critical Services, High Growth, Low Wages
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

Critical Services, High Growth, Low Wages

Despite the importance of these services, wages in the human services sector lag behind the cost of living in New York, straining the pipeline of people entering and staying in these careers, and forcing many workers to experience the same financial and wellbeing strains as the people they serve.

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The Prosecutorial Data Collaborative
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

The Prosecutorial Data Collaborative

Bringing together a team of data scientists, researchers, and practitioners, the Collaborative supports state and local prosecutors in building the infrastructure and culture necessary to not only effectively use data in their offices, courtrooms, and communities to support decision-making and policy, but to enable compliance with broader statutory requirements.

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Safety and Justice Challenge 2024 Research Year-in-Review
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

Safety and Justice Challenge 2024 Research Year-in-Review

This edition of the Review summarizes research activities that took place throughout 2024, including new Research Consortium memberships, updates on newly funded work, and recently published research products, with a spotlight on women and survivors of violence in the criminal legal system. 

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[From Our Partners] Evaluation of Emergency COVID-19 Jail Reduction Strategies in Multnomah County, Oregon
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

[From Our Partners] Evaluation of Emergency COVID-19 Jail Reduction Strategies in Multnomah County, Oregon

To learn more about the impact of emergency COVID-19 measures on jail reduction efforts, and think about emergency measures that could continue in the post-pandemic era, CUNY ISLG funded JSP through the SJC to conduct a mixed-methods case study on the emergency jail population reduction strategies implemented in Multnomah County, Oregon.

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Supporting Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Impacted by the Legal System
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

Supporting Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Impacted by the Legal System

The project will gather insights through interviews with survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) who have also had contact with the criminal legal system. The goal is to understand the challenges survivors face when accessing services in New York City and provide recommendations for improved practices to government agencies and service providers.

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Building Better Public Sector Data
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

Building Better Public Sector Data

This brief details how CUNY ISLG staff work with governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other partners to effectively collect, maintain, and use data, especially in the face of time and resource constraints.

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Building Strong Communities through Strategic Investments 
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

Building Strong Communities through Strategic Investments 

Reflecting on the past decade of work, this model brief takes stock of these four CJII goals; discusses how DANY, CUNY ISLG, and other partners achieved them; and provides a blueprint for practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders.  

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From Research to Action to Successful Outcomes
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

From Research to Action to Successful Outcomes

The Reducing Revocations Challenge aimed to fill the void of information on drivers of revocation through in-depth, mixed-method research in 10 jurisdictions (Phase I) and use what was learned to identify and put into action innovative strategies to improve probation outcomes and equity in those outcomes in a subset of those sites.

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Lowering Jail Populations Safely Before, During, and After COVID-19
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

Lowering Jail Populations Safely Before, During, and After COVID-19

Two years out from COVID-19’s peak, there continues to be no apparent correlation between changes in incarceration and violent crime. Most individuals released from jail on pretrial status did not return to jail custody, and local violent crime rates varied regardless of changes to the jail population—suggesting that jail reduction reforms can be implemented safely.

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Safety and Justice Challenge 2023 Research Year-in-Review
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

Safety and Justice Challenge 2023 Research Year-in-Review

This edition of the Review summarizes research that took place in 2023, including new Research Consortium member organizations and reviewers, updates on newly funded work, recently published research products, and what has been learned to date across research projects about racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal legal system.

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[From Our Partners] Achieving Racial Equity and Improving Culture in Jails Using a Community-Engaged Quality Improvement Process
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

[From Our Partners] Achieving Racial Equity and Improving Culture in Jails Using a Community-Engaged Quality Improvement Process

Research on conditions of confinement has historically been limited by a lack of access to the perspectives of individuals residing in jail. To understand the factors driving inequity in jail culture, CUNY ISLG funded Justice System Partners to partner with Wellbeing & Equity Innovations (WEI) to conduct a mixed-methods study in an SJC site using community-based participatory research methods.

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Turning Local Data into Meaningful Reforms
Carla Sinclair Carla Sinclair

Turning Local Data into Meaningful Reforms

In its eighth year, the SJC now supports a diverse network of more than 57 cities, counties, and states across the country in developing and implementing decarceration strategies. This report breaks down its the data-driven model of criminal justice reform, including what kinds of data were captured, how data were mobilized for change, and lessons learned when using administrative data for policy design and evaluation.

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