Institute Intelligence

Insights, case studies, news, and updates from ISLG’s good governance research and action.

Insights Carla Sinclair Insights Carla Sinclair

Lessons Learned & Recommendations from the College-in-Prison Reentry Initiative

ISLG’s evaluation of the CIP Initiative has sought to better understand implementation of CIP by documenting the CIP model over time, including: how programs are established and how they operate in correctional facilities, the challenges programs experience and how they navigate those challenges, and the successes programs experience in achieving the aims of the Initiative.

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Insights Guest User Insights Guest User

Investing in Workforce Development Can Lead to Meaningful Careers for Formerly Incarcerated People

The current employment upheaval, or the Great Resignation, reminds us that the opportunity to pursue meaningful and fulfilling work—something more than just a job—should extend to everyone. However, people who are formerly incarcerated are a group who often can only access employment with low pay, stress, and little opportunity for advancement. They are often locked out of careers because of a lack of educational credentials, training, or other systemic barriers.

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Foundations and Principles for Funding Youth Development: Lessons Learned from the Youth Opportunity Hubs Initiative

The Youth Opportunity Hubs have brought important benefits to young people and their communities, including a greater sense of safety, well-being, and opportunity. For funders and policymakers who are looking to support young people and increase cross-sector collaboration, the evaluation of the Youth Opportunity Hubs initiative points to key lessons.

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Community-Based Partnerships That Focus on Positive Youth Development and Meet Young People’s Needs: Youth Opportunity Hubs

Across New York City, many young people are in need of youth-centered spaces that meet their diverse needs and draw on and lift up their strengths. Unfortunately, funding constraints of the social service system often lead to siloes between organizations, making it difficult for youth to access all of the services available to them. The Youth Opportunity Hubs, opened with CJII funding in 2017, were created to address these challenges and better serve young people.

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Collaboration, a Place-Based Model, and Flexible Funding Strengthen Partnerships and Support Community Well-Being: The Youth Opportunity Hubs Model

Historically, organizational silos and constraints in funding opportunities have made it harder for organizations to build on and complement each others’ strengths to holistically serve youth in their communities—organizations tended to be funded to provide particular types of services (education, employment, etc.) and compensated based on those services being successfully delivered, not based on comprehensive supports for young people. The Youth Opportunity Hub initiative was designed to address these constraints and strengthen collaboration through funded partnerships.

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